Cape Town Time:


We Will Get Through This Together

6 May 2020

Around the world, children are drawing pictures of rainbows to give us hope in these unusual times, and it’s no different in Cape Town.

We are the Rainbow Nation. We are resilient, compassionate and we are united.

The first case

Cape Town recorded its first confirmed coronavirus case on 11 March 2020. The 36-year-old male, who had travelled to multiple countries including Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Turkey, returned to South Africa on 9 March 2020.

South Africa’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak is being led by the National Department of Health (NDoH), with support from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), World Health Organisation, Centre for Disease Control, and other partners.

The City of Cape Town is one of the partners involved in the response – under direction from the National Health Department and the Western Cape Government.

Should you experience any COVID-19 symptoms, call the following emergency numbers:

National Coronavirus Hotline:

0800 029 999

Provincial Hotline:

021 928 4102

National WhatsApp:

0600 123 456 (type Hi for menu driven updates and advice)

Important links