Cape Town Time:


Cape Town on the A-List for global climate action

20 February 2020

The City of Cape Town has again made the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) Cities A-List of best performing global cities.

Last year, Cape Town was the only city in Africa to make the cut. This year Cape Town is one of only two cities in Africa to be graded with an A for climate effort.

The CDP annually scores cities from A to D based on their carbon disclosure. The score indicates how effectively cities are managing, measuring and tackling greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate risks. Read more below:

Cities must be champions for the people when it comes to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience.

“We are pleased to again make the A-List but we need Cape Town as a community to come on board and to see how Cape Town and its people can limit global warming and become more resilient as it adapts to new climate realities,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Energy and Climate Change, Councillor Phindile Maxiti.

We are committed to building a future that is more energy secure, resource efficient and resilient to climate change impacts. This is in line with the global drive to ramp up climate action and to ensure that the City’s actions are compatible with the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement: keeping global warming increase to within 1,5 ºC. This requires cities to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Added Maxiti: “The City is in fact developing a new Climate Action Plan to align with the urgent global action that is required to prevent a climate catastrophe among others.”

According to the CDP: “Analysis has shown that on average cities on the A List are taking over three times as many climate actions as non-A List cities. This represents five times as many actions to cut emissions and curb future warming, and twice as many to adapt to current climate hazards, from flooding to extreme heatwaves.”

For more information on the CDP cities initiative, click here.