Cape Town Time:

Cape Town’s Event Locations

Cape Town boasts a variety of premier event locations; from the multi-functional Cape Town Stadium to the iconic Cape Town City Hall and Africa’s foremost meetings and conferencing venue, the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

More than 2 million people attend events and conferences in Cape Town annually.

City-owned event locations include the Cape Town Stadium, the Cape Town City Hall, Athlone Stadium and the Grand Parade. Local and international event organisers are increasingly choosing them for cultural events, music shows and conferences.

The city also has an array of great sports training facilities.

Cape Town offers good tracks, off-track and off-road running options, as well as specialist field event training areas and a Sports Science Institute in Newlands.

Track and field stadia are dotted across the city, as well as swimming and aquatic facilities and a 250 metre, multi-purpose indoor velodrome, which was initially developed for the South African Olympic Bid. Long distance runners and cyclists can take advantage of hundreds of kilometres of roadways and undulating country trails. Comprehensive support services and sports medicine support, such as the physiotherapists and medical teams, will help you avoid injury and train to the best of your ability, allowing you the freedom to focus on training – and winning.

Events in Cape Town

Cape Town Supporting Events

Cape Town’s Event Locations