Cape Town Time:

Cape Town Supporting Events

The City of Cape Town has been innovative in setting up a one-stop shop to assist event organisers with navigating applicable legislation to ensure that all events hosted in the city are safe and comply with the law.

In Cape Town, an event permit is required for any event with 50 or more people, with amplified sound or a temporary structure.

A formal application for an event permit must be sent to the Events Permit Office, and should include the name and contact numbers of the organiser, an event plan and as much information as possible about the event. Event organisers must also sign indemnity forms and provide a public liability insurance confirmation letter.

Once the application is received, it is sent to the various service departments in the City for comments and approvals, and only once all the conditions are met, is an event permit issued.

See Event Support & Permitting Information and Event Permit Office Information for more.

Events in Cape Town

Cape Town Supporting Events

Cape Town’s Event Locations